18 of 23 Ohio economists believe rural broadband will grow economy, reduce inequality

In a survey published by Scioto Analysis this morning, 18 of 23 Ohio economists agreed that rural broadband programs funded with income taxes will lead to higher state economic growth and lower inequality.

Rural broadband is currently a point of contention in state budget talks. The Ohio House budget included funding for a program, while the Ohio Senate version omitted it.

Economists agreeing with the statements emphasized the role of broadband as a utility and its purpose in a modern economy. Those who were more skeptical wondered how funds would be spent and the degree to which they would help with production. Those who agreed the program would reduce income inequality emphasized how rural broadband could bolster rural areas and Appalachia in particular.

The Ohio Economic Experts Panel is a panel of over 40 Ohio Economists from over 30 Ohio higher educational institutions conducted by Scioto Analysis. The goal of the Ohio Economic Experts Panel is to promote better policy outcomes by providing policymakers, policy influencers, and the public with the informed opinions of Ohio’s leading economists.