Scioto Analysis is hiring!

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Today, we began our search for a new policy analyst for Scioto Analysis.

I am going to be frank with you: our goal at Scioto Analysis is not to grow. Our mission as an organization is to improve the quality of public policy analysis at the state and local level. To do that, we partner with state and local governments, university centers, and mission-driven organizations interested in bringing better public policy analysis to pressing questions at the state and local level.

When I started this organization in 2018, I was renting out my apartment with Airbnb and trying to get anyone to listen to the story I was trying to tell: that public policy analysis at the state and local level can be better. That we can think of the economy in a more comprehensive way. And that better information will lead to better public policy.

People have been listening. They have been listening so much that in 2022, I needed to hire Michael Hartnett, a statistician out of the Twin Cities, to join our team as our first employee. Over the past two years, he has allowed us to take on more clients, has led studies on water quality, recreational marijuana legalization, Ohio’s economy, and poverty in the state, and has managed our newsletter and economic experts panel.

The need for better public policy analysis keeps growing, though. Over the past year, we conducted studies on poverty in Ohio, subjective well-being, a $15 minimum wage, lead service line replacement, benchmarking metropolitan areas, poverty in Franklin County, and immigrants and new Americans in Central Ohio.

Every week I am having more conversations with people who think we need better public policy analysis to help inform key state and local issues. If we want to do the work that needs to be done, we need more help.

We are looking for a policy analyst to help us analyze public policy in the tax and budget, social safety net, and energy and environment sectors. This will be a full-time role for someone with strong quantitative and writing skills who cares about making public policy analysis better. This is a good position for people who are early in their public policy careers but we are also open to people who already have some experience with public policy analysis.

We are also looking for a policy analysis intern this summer to help us conduct a cost-benefit analysis on a pressing public policy issue. This is a good position for someone who is still in school and wants to dip their toes into the policy world.

If you know anyone who would be a good fit for either of these positions, please forward this page to them. And if you are interested, send your resume to We are excited to talk with you.